Thursday, February 9, 2012

Playing with cards

My boyfriend is really into playing cards so I decided to make something special for his birthday related to cards.  I searched and searched for ideas and came across a small box made of cards.  I thought this idea was really neat.  I wanted to make the box larger though in order to put other presents in it.  SOOOOOO.....I went out and bought about 5 decks of cards and got started.  I interlocked the cards together until I got the size box I wanted.  I then made a lid with a latch.  I had cards left over so I interlocked more cards to make a card card :)  When it was all said and done I added a few decks of playing cards and a bag of m&ms to the box.  It was a pretty sweet present for a card lover.       


  1. How did you get the cards to interlock? The box looks great, and I love the idea of a card card! :)

    1. It is kind of complicated to explain, but here is a link to show how to start it but this one is a small box. I will take a few pictures and post them to show how I did it :)
